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RBC Discipline Policy

Ridge Baseball Club (RBC) expects any and all participants to adhere to RBC’s Codes of Conduct and exhibit exemplary behavior both on and off the field while involved in any RBC associated events. RBC reserves the right to discipline any Manager, Coach, Parent, Volunteer, or Player who violates the Club’s conduct codes during any Recreational or Travel League associated game, practice or event. Disciplinary action will be taken according to the procedure and policy outlined below.


1. Complaints must be communicated to an RBC Board member, preferably in writing.

2. Anonymous complaints will be considered, but it is strongly encouraged that complaints not be submitted anonymously, as anonymous complaints are much more difficult to investigate and verify.

3. RBC will attempt to keep complaints confidential, but there is no guarantee of confidentiality.

4. Any form of retaliation against a complainant will not be tolerated. Any form of retaliation against a complainant will be deemed a substantial violation of RBC’s Codes of Conduct.

5. All complaints will be forwarded to the RBC President.

6. If any RBC manager, player, coach or fan is ejected from a game, the RBC President may, in his/her discretion, institute this policy without receipt of a complaint.

7. In the event the complaint is against the RBC President, the complaint shall be forwarded to the Executive Vice President, Baseball Operations who will act as the RBC President under this policy with respect to that complaint.

8. In cases in which the complaint is referred to the Disciplinary Committee, the RBC President reserves the right to suspend the manager, coach, spectator, volunteer or player from further participation until the Disciplinary Committee can perform its due diligence to determine the punishment.


1. Upon receipt of a complaint, the RBC President may take any interim disciplinary action he or she determines is appropriate until such time as a formal recommendation for final disciplinary action is presented to the RBC Board of Directors.

2. The RBC President may, at his or her discretion, deal with the complaint, or forward it to the Disciplinary Committee.

3. If the RBC President does not forward the complaint to the Disciplinary Committee, the RBC President will make a recommendation to the RBC Board of Directors pursuant to Paragraph 8 below.

4. The Disciplinary Committee will be comprised of three members of the RBC Board of Directors, to be appointed by the RBC President annually. Should the complaint be against or directly involve a member of the Disciplinary Committee, the President shall appoint a replacement.

5. In cases in which the complaint has been referred to the Disciplinary Committee, the Disciplinary Committee will review the case and present its recommended action to the RBC President. This will be done as expeditiously as possible.

6. The subject of the complaint will be given an opportunity to respond to the allegations in the complaint.

7. Once the RBC President has received the recommendation of the Disciplinary Committee, he/she may follow the recommendation or modify it as is seen fit.

8. The RBC President will present his/her recommendation to the RBC Board of Directors for approval.

9. The vote on the RBC’s President’s recommendation may be taken at a general board meeting, a special board meeting, or by other means deemed appropriate by the RBC President, such as by email.

10. A simple majority of the RBC Board of Directors shall be required to approve any discipline less severe than suspension for the remainder of the season. A suspension for the remainder of the season (or any more severe penalty) must be approved by two-thirds of the RBC Board of Directors.

11. The necessary majority shall be counted without considering any member of the RBC Board Members who is not participating due to a conflict of interest.

12. The decision of the RBC Board of Directors shall be final and there shall be no right of appeal.

13. A summary of the disciplinary action(s) will be delivered in writing to the subject of the complaint. This may take the form of email, U.S. mail, or other means.

Conflicts of Interest: In the event the complaint is against one or more members of the RBC Board of Directors, the director or directors that are the subject of the complaint will not be allowed to observe or participate in the proceedings. In the event the complaint is referred to the Disciplinary Committee and is against a member of the Disciplinary Committee, that member of the Disciplinary Committee will not be allowed to observe or participate in the proceedings, and the RBC President will appoint a substitute. In the event of any other actual or potential conflict of interest related to a member of the RBC Board of Directors, the RBC President shall make the final determination as to whether that member of the RBC Board of Directors shall be permitted to observe or participate in the proceedings.

PLEASE NOTE: Serious discipline, such as suspension or expulsion, is an option even after the first violation of RBC’s Codes of Conduct, depending on the severity of the violation. There is no progressive discipline. Any person suspended by RBC is not allowed to be present at any RBC event or function during the course of the suspension. This includes being in the dugout, spectator areas, bleachers, etc. Any disciplinary action that results in removal from the Organization for the remainder of the season, or any more severe penalty, must be approved by two-thirds of the RBC Board of Directors. The person (or his/her parents/guardians, if the person is a minor) subject to removal for the remainder of the season (or more severe penalty), will have an opportunity to address the RBC Board of Directors before a vote is taken.

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